Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Design a visual metaphor!

Welcome again guys!! 

I have some news for you. This time I would like to show you my visual metaphor, the new challenge for my TIC class. First of all, it would be necessary for us to have a look to my latest post . There you can observe the Prototype of my Open Educational Digital Project that it was about clothes and actions. In this post, I’m going to show you how I have thought to convert it into a collaborative work. 

First of all, what is collaboration? Working together for common goals, partnership, shared leadership, co-evolving and co-learning. If we develop the collaboration between our students and, also, with students for other schools we can obtain different points of view from different people. Every person has her own opinions about, for example and related with the topic, clothes. Not everybody dress equal, each person has his opinion about what kind of clothes he/she likes. There are people who like black clothes, another colourful clothes and so on.

Thanks to my visual metaphor I would like to show to the world an activity that I think that is trendy topic in schools: uniform. I can talk from my experience, I was in a private school and I had to wear uniform sixteen years, for me, using uniform was the most comfortable thing in the world, why? Because in the morning I could sleep more because I didn’t need to thing about different clothes every day, I only had to put the same uniform day after day. As I did, I have given my opinion about the uniform, defending it, but I’m sure that there are millions of kids that prefer to wear normal clothes instead of uniform. This activity is for this, to know their opinion.

I have chosen the final task to create the collaborative work. In this case, I thought that the perfect collaboration movement would be collaboration out of the classroom, connecting with other schools. I would like to get a debate between children who assist to a private school and children from a state school. As you known, my project was about clothes, then, the topic of debate will be: UNIFORM VS NONUNIFORM. 

The idea that I have had is: make a connection between two different schools (private and state school). Then, the teachers from the schools have to assign pairs, one child from the private school will write to one child from the state school, and vice versa. They will send emails between them to discuss about the topic. All this activity will be under teacher’s supervision. 

Once they have obtained a final result, they will prepare a brief exhibition to explain to their classmates what they have talked about and how they have gotten a final conclusion. 

Here I leave you the visual metaphor that I created. In order to create this I used the digital tool called Canva. I have to say that this tool was very useful and very easy to use. As far as I concerned, it would be a good tool to use with the students to make some works, for example, they can do an activity where they have to do their own poster to present an exhibition in class from different activities that they have done.
Uniform vs nonuniform de Blanca García Martínez

Thanks to this challenge I have had the opportunity to enrich my project that, one week ago, it was an idea and now, when I made this activity, I have been able to see a bit more of what I want to do. 

I would like to say that, this year I’m learning how to use lots of digital tools that I even didn’t know that exist. In my opinion, all these tools can help us in a near future with our future career. We live in the 21st century, and it is the digital century, in some years, who knows, maybe schools only use computer to teach their students and, if we know different digital tools we will be ready to teach them. 

What do you think? 

Thank you for reading my post 😊 


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