Tuesday 25 April 2017


Hello, hello, it’s me again!! I've been disconnected for a couple of weeks, but I'm back with the batteries charged and with something new for you, my first learning mission. And you will be thinking, what is she saying? Well, I’m going to explain to you. 

A learning mission consist in transform a flat activity, as a match activity, into a meaningful, attractive and interesting activity. Kids are bored of the same activities day by day, so, with these kind of learning missions we are looking forward their interest and constant with the activities that we want to carry out in class. As we consider, thanks to these kind of activities, we can achieve a better understanding of the concepts that we are explaining. 

The creation of my first learning mission is based in one activity of my OEP (Open Educational Project). As you could read in my previous posts, my OEP is about clothes and typical actions. Thanks to this learning mission, students can do activities related to their daily life, such as shopping. 

Here you have a poster made with the tool Canva, where I want to present you how to transform a flat activity into a learning mission.

The flat activity that I have choose is the typical activity that all of us have made once in our life: What are you wearing? Describe yourself. It is boring, isn’t it? Now comes the changes in this boring activity. Between children and teenagers is very fashionable the subject of superheroes, so I decided to take advantage of this. They have to create a superhero, but, do you remember the film “Superman”? He had a special costume when he had to save his city and, in his normal life, he has his normal clothing. What I want that they do is to create a flyer with their superheroes, description of them (with superhero and normal clothes), search on the internet among the clothing shops to find clothes for the superhero to wear in his normal life and finally, describe the change. 

What are the goals? 

- Plan the steps you are going to follow. 
- Look for information using the Internet. 
- Create a catchy flyer using a digital tool. 
- Use the vocabulary and expression about clothes and actions.

What are the instructions? 

- Create your superhero avatar using the digital tool Superherotar
- Name your superhero. 
- Search the internet for different clothing stores and choose the photographs of the clothes you want     to use. 
- Create a catchy flyer where you explain: 

       -Your superhero's description. 
       - Why you want to become normal. 
       - Clothes that you have chosen. 
       - Shops where you found the clothes. 
       - A description of your superhero's normal clothes. 

I have created a presentation that I will put at the beginning of the class with the goals, the instructions and the timing that the activity will have. The tool that I have chosen is Videoscribe, that you have to download in your computer to use it and them, share your video with the tool Youtube. Here you have the presentation.

And finally, I have created a sample of the student’s final work, using the digital tool Smore.

As you can read in my previous post Partners Search, I have decided to collaborate with Tertulias con sabor a chocolate, the reason is because in their blog, they have use talks and group dynamics and the final activity in this Superlearning mission is one of them. 

For the student presentation I have decided to make a group dynamic, more exactly a wool group dynamic. What am I going to do? A group dynamic called "La Madeja de Lana" which translation to English is "The Skein of Wool". What is this? Well, it's a group dynamic where the teacher gives to the students a skein of wool and he/she starts to throw it to their students and then, these ones have to throw to their classmates. What have they had to do when they have the skein of wool? They have to explain their Super activity and their classmates have to listen. When one kid finish explaining his/her work, they have to throw the skein of wool to one classmate, and this one has to, first of all, summarize the activity which his/her classmate has done and then he/she has to explain his/her own work. The students don't know who will be the next one so, this is the perfect activity where the students have to listen, share and give his/her opinion. 

I have used the tool Canva to make a poster that the teacher will present to the students before doing the group dynamic. Here you have it. 

I can only say that thanks to this activity, I have learned how to use many digital applications that I had never heard of. Also, it has allowed me to give many returns to the idea of ​​improving the activities to make them more striking for the students, something that will certainly be of great help for a near future.

Thank you for reading my post. 



  1. Hello, it's me!!!!! I loooooovee your idea of teaching clothes in such a funny and interesting way. What is more you have link it with superheros that is a topic that students love. And last but not least you also connect the topic with the real life of the students because they have to look for real clothes to dress their superhero. Excellent job ;)

  2. In order to collaborate with @chococharlas you have to host a chocotalk, Blanca, I am afraid, as that is what that project requires.
