Wednesday 26 April 2017

Learning to use rubrics.

Did you miss me? I’m back here, but this time, with a new post where I will talk about assesment. When you do an activity with your students, you always need a tool for evaluate them, it can be an exam, a survey or, in this case, a rubric. 

Do you know what is a rubric? As you can read in Merriam-Webster, a rubric is “a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests”. We could say that it is a tool that helps us to obtain the final result of our students. 

Thanks to the rubrics both, students and teachers, have some advantages. 

For the students
  • Students have much more information than with other instruments (feedback) 
  • They encourage learning and self-evaluation. 
  • They know in advance the criteria with which they will be evaluated 
  • They facilitate the global understanding of the theme and the relation of the different capacities. 
  • They help students to think in depth. 
  • They promote the responsibility of the students, who according to the exposed criteria, can review their work before delivering them to the teacher.

For the teachers:
  • They are easy to use and explain to students. It increases the objectivity of the evaluation process. 
  • They provide feedback on the effectiveness of the teaching methods used. 
  • They are versatile and conform to the demands of the competency evaluation process.

After doing the Superlearning Mission 1 and Learning Mission 2, I have decided to evaluate the Superlearning Mission 1. Do you remember what activity did I do? A flyer where our students had to create a flyer with their superheroes, description of them (with superhero and normal clothes), search on the internet among the clothing shops to find clothes for the superhero to wear in his normal life and finally, describe the change.

The aspects that are going to be evaluated have direct connection with the goal established on the mission, that are the followings:
  • Plan the steps you are going to follow. 
  • Look for information using the Internet. 
  • Create a catchy flyer using a digital tool. 
  • Use the vocabulary and expression about clothes and actions.

Here you have a presentation made with Canva where you can see the criteria that I’m going to follow in my rubric.

And finally, I have done my rubric using the digital tool Quick Rubric, which let me to do an easy rubric in few minutes. It was a fantastic tool, very useful and very easy to use. 

Here you have my rubric:
Rubric by Blanca.

Making rubrics let us to be open-minded at the time to evaluate our students, changing our form of evaluating them. It’s good to see different ways to evaluate and I love to learn new things every day. 

Thank you for reading my post. 


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