Tuesday 16 May 2017

3X1 Review

This is coming to an end, this will be my last post for the ICT subject and it's a way to say goodbye to you and, why not? To think about my learning process during this subject.

For this post, I'm going to talk about my 3x1 review. What is it about? I have to talk about three things that I have loved of the subject and one thing that I consider that I would improve. I have prepare a Canva to show you these three things.

What I think that it should improve, it's the time that we have. The second fourth-month period has to many things to do: practices, lots of works and also, the TFM. These other things make us difficult to dedicate so many time to this subject. 

However, thanks to this subject, I have loved the new digital tools that I have learnt to use, how much have I developed my creativity and finally, all the new ideas that I have now to carry out in the future with my students. 

A fun way to say goodbye to this subject it's using the known memes. I have used Generador de memes online to make this one, which represent my own experience during the subject.

I'm sure that you agree with me :) 

Thank you for reading my posts. 



Hello everyone, I’m here to tell you about a recent experience that I have lived thanks to the ICT subject, an online conference!

What nervous I was! You can’t even imagine the feelings when you see that it’s your turn and you have to talk in front of different people which are inside the digital world of education. This experience was carried out by moodle4teachers and the two people who were in charge of it were @mjgsm and @nelliemuller.

What did allow us this experience? Well, as you have read in my previous posts, we have been carrying out a learning process which had different steps explained one by one in different posts:

Apart from show to people what we have been doing, thanks to our classmates, now they can visit our blogs and give their opinions about our ideas. Also, our classmates give our main links to our Twitter and the direct link to our open educational project.

Furthermore, it was the opportunity to listen our classmates talking about their own projects and give our opinion about them.

This online conference has been the last step that we had to achieve in our ICT’s classes and, as far as I’m concerned, the most important challenge. 

Here you have the slides that all my classmates and me made to present ourselves in the conference following a model that our teacher provided us.


Here I leave you the draft, using the tool Issuu, that I used to prepare my presentation in the conference.


And finally, here you have the video of the online conference where some of my classmates and I appear talking.


To sum up this post, I would like to tell you that this experience was new for me. Carry out a blog, something that I always have wanted to do, create super activities which let us to think more about them, use different digital tools to achieve the knowledge in our students and finally, this online conference which was, as far as I see it, the most constructive activity that I have ever made. 

As 21 century teachers, we have to take into account the new technologies and add them to our classes in order to innovate the education world and to achieve a better understanding in our students. 

Thank you for reading my posts.