Saturday, 25 March 2017

Prototype of my CLIL Educational Digital Project

Here I am again, now with my Prototype of my CLIL Educational Digital Project.
First of all, we had to complete a template with the main points of our project. I don't know if you remember that the other day I wrote a post where I was talking about the analysis of educational projects. This time it's my opportunity to start my own project.
In the template you can find a brief summary of my future project. As you can see it's very complete so I hope you can image how it will be.
It's true that this step of the process it's the most difficult because it's when you have to start creating and thinking activities, rubrics, class distribution, content and so on.
Here you have the link of my template and then, I have done a video where I have explained some characteristics of it.



Personal reflection 
Doing videos and put on the Internet is not the best thing that I like to do. I was looking for another tools to updated a video but it was so difficult for me to find it so finally I decided to use Youtube. 
Thank to this homework, we are practicing with some tool that I haven't work before as Googledocs or Youtube. 
I also have to think about the characteristics of my didactic unit before complete the template and it carried me a long time but, I have to said that it was good to think about it, it let me prepare for next projects that I will have to do. 

Thank you for reading this blog.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

This time: evaluating and analyzing an educational project.

Here I am again, but this time I have something new for you.

I have evaluated and analysed and educational project based on some projects that our teacher gave to us. Oh my god, I almost forgot it! I have discovered a new page to make presentations. Forget about the boring PowerPoint, it's time to know It's awesome!!

Coming back to the issue that bring me here, I have chosen between three different pages where people upload their educational projects and I have evaluated and analysed one of them.
Here you have the link of the page where I have found my project:

Apart from that page, I would like to show you two more pages where there are more educational projects:

There you have more educational projects to use or evaluate and analyze, whatever you want, it's your choice!
It would be interesting to show you the rubric that I have used to make this blog:

Basically, we had to talk about key knowledge, understanding and sucess skills, chanllenging problem or question, sustained inquiry, authenticity, students voice and choice, reflection, critique and revision and public product.

The project is focused on key knowlege and thanks to it, children can understand the Inca's civilizitacion. They have to do two activities and one discussion where they will work as a team and, also, individually. However, they aren't developing critical thinking skills so, I'm not sure if this section of the project would be good or bad to children. I would like to see this project more expand to understand better what he is trying to explain them. 

The project is about the Inca's civilization. The teacher wants to explain to their students what happened with them in the past so he is working with a meaningful problem, the ignorance of this topic. 
Nevertheless, I think that the level for the suggested activities is the appropriate one but it would be necessary to go deeper woth the activities because they are very very easy ever for students from 7th grade. 

This project is active, in-depth process over time, considering that the lesson start with the explanation of the teacher, then, the students have to do questions to their partners and thanks to these two different ways, they will do activities related with the main topic. 
In this project there are two leaders, teacher and the student, giving to the class the perfect balance. 

The project has a real-world context. The students have to study about the past, they have to learn about other civilization that were before we had born. Making them aware of the culture of our world. 
The basic knowledge of this lesson will be about American Native cultures and spanish conquerors letting students to understand what happened in the past.

During the lesson, students will do three activities. The first one, discussion between students, second one, Inca's domino and, third one, a farming worksheet. The teacher will distribute the time but all the choices will be done by the students, they can discuss with their partners to complete the activities. 
The project is guided by the teacher but the students can participate in any moment asking to the teacher questions that they have during the explanation. 

I consider that this project dont let the students to reflect enough about the topic. 
When the students have finished the activities, teacher only correct the activities and use only five minutes for giving feedback to the students, so it's impossible for them to understand what have done some minutes before. 
In my opinion. it would be necessary to give more than ten minutes to correct the activities and giving them feedback about the activities because children will have so many doubt about them. 

As I have writen before, teacher only give feedback to the students the last five minutes of the lesson. As I consider, this isn't time enoug to resolve possible doubts that students will have with the topic. 

This activities dont offer to them the opportunity to show what they have learnt because they are pair or individual activities to make in their tables and dont offer a final result. 
They can learn with the activities but, there is nothing to show at the end of the class. As far as I concerned, I would do a bigger project which will have a final product to show to their classmates, maybe they can do a dispaly about the Inca's story and at the end of the project, they could present to their classmates and tell them their personal reflection.  

And now, here you have the presentation (using Here you have a presentation with the analysis that I was telling you before.

Personal reflection
Personally, these kind of works were always difficult to me because I think that I'm not very good judging that work that other people do, however, I have tried to do the best of me.

The activity that we have carried out was very interesting because it let us to see how other people think and how they consider that it would be a perfect CLIL class. I have found so many works, either good or bad ones, and all of them have something in common, they are working for a common cause, improve the concept of CLIL. We can see materials, didactic units, class distributions and so on.

As a conclussion I have to said that it incredible how can you learn using TICs and how many uses it has.

I hope you like it!