It has been a great oportunity to investigate new films and books. I always have loved fantastic books such as Harry potter or the Lord of the Ring, but it sounds obvious that it will be a bit difficult to read these kind of books for little children.
The book that I want to reccomend this week will be "The colour Monster". I heared about this book one year ago when my friend and I had to do a project about books. Thanks to this book we can work the emotion with our children. How the colours can show our emotions. This book has a lot of illustrations which will help us and our students to understand the plot.
Apart from books, I have recently seen an infant film that it will be motivated for them, it's name is "Sing!". The film is about animals who love sing and they want to demostrate to everyone despite the fact that nobody believe them. Finally they will have to work together to help one of their friends.
Both the book and the film will help us, teachers, teaching our students about values and feelings.
I hope you like this new blog. See you soon.
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